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來(lái)源:常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題 閱讀:125060 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-02-15

船用軟同軸電纜 shipboard flexible coaxial cable

爆破[放炮]用軟線(xiàn) shot-fire cord

絲包軟線(xiàn) silk-covered cord

鍍銀軟或退火銅線(xiàn)、鍍銀軟銅線(xiàn) silver-coated soft or annealed copper wire 單線(xiàn)軟繩 single-wire cord

可收縮軟線(xiàn)、彈簧線(xiàn) retractile cord

橡套軟電纜 rubber jacketed flexible cable

橡膠素煉機、軟膠機 rubber-homogenizer

軟拉 s.d.(soft drawn)

游覽車(chē)用軟線(xiàn) recreational-vehicle cord

預裝配的軟電纜 pre-assembled flexible cable

預裝配的軟電纜及軟線(xiàn) pre-assembled flexible cables and cords

精密排列的扁形軟電纜 precision-tiered flat flexible cable

抽頭、引線(xiàn)、軟導線(xiàn) pigtail

超軟細股線(xiàn) pigtail wire

塑料護套軟線(xiàn) plastic-sheathed flexible cord

移動(dòng)式軟線(xiàn) portable cord

普通塑料護套軟線(xiàn) ordinary plastic-sheathed flexible cord

普通型耐磨橡套軟電纜 ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable

普通耐磨橡套軟線(xiàn) ordinary tough-rubber sheathed flexible cord

普通聚氯乙烯護套軟線(xiàn) ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord

耐油軟線(xiàn) oil-proof cord

耐油軟線(xiàn) oil-resistant cord

光纖軟線(xiàn) optical fiber cord

多芯軟線(xiàn) multicore cord

多芯軟線(xiàn) multiple cord

網(wǎng)絡(luò )軟件 network software

鍍鎳軟或退火銅線(xiàn)、鍍鎳軟銅線(xiàn) nickel-coated soft or annealed copper wire 麥克風(fēng)[話(huà)筒]軟線(xiàn) microphone cord

麥克風(fēng)[話(huà)筒]軟線(xiàn) mike cord

移動(dòng)房屋用軟線(xiàn) mobile-home cord

定型設計的電話(huà)軟線(xiàn)、彈簧電話(huà)軟線(xiàn) modular telephone cord

防潮雙絞軟線(xiàn) moisture proof twisted cord

單塞繩、單軟線(xiàn) monocord

低溫柔軟性 low temperature flexibility

低漏泄電流用戶(hù)軟線(xiàn) low-leakage-current service cord

輕型塑料護套軟線(xiàn) light plastic-sheathed flexible cord

輕型聚氯乙烯護套軟線(xiàn) light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord

電燈(軟)線(xiàn) lamp cord

鉛合金包覆軟銅線(xiàn) lead-alloy-coated soft copper wire

鉛包軟銅線(xiàn) lead-coated soft copper wire

儀器用軟線(xiàn)[塞繩] instrument cord

絕緣軟線(xiàn) insulated flexible wire

綜合軟件 integrated software

高溫軟線(xiàn) high-temperature flexibles

素煉機、軟膠機 homogenizing roller

布線(xiàn)用線(xiàn)、安裝線(xiàn)、跨接線(xiàn)、柔軟連接線(xiàn) hook-up wire

軟管、橡皮管 hose

苛刻條件用軟線(xiàn) hard-service cord

耐熱護套軟電纜 heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable

重型耐磨橡套軟電纜 heavy tough-rubber sheathed flexible cable

鍍鋅軟[低碳]鋼絲 galvanized mild steel wire

玻璃絲絕緣軟線(xiàn) glass-fiber-insulated flexibles

饋電軟線(xiàn) feed cord

一級軟線(xiàn) first class flexible cord

扁形軟電纜 flat flexible cable

扁形雙芯軟線(xiàn) flat twin flexible cord

扁形雙芯軟線(xiàn)[塞繩] flat twin tinsel cord

軟線(xiàn) flex conductor

柔軟性 flexibility

柔軟度試驗 flexibility test

軟線(xiàn)、連接塞繩、軟電纜確良 adj

柔軟的 flexible

軟電纜 flexible cable

礦工帽燈用軟線(xiàn) flexible cable for miners\' cap lamps

軟接線(xiàn) flexible circuit conductor

軟導體、柔軟導體、軟線(xiàn) flexible conductor

軟線(xiàn)、連接塞繩 flexible cord

電纜軟接頭 flexible joint

移動(dòng)式電力軟線(xiàn) flexible portable power cord

電力軟線(xiàn) flexible power cord

軟絞線(xiàn) flexible stranded conductor

軟絞線(xiàn) flexible stranded wire

軟[花、皮]線(xiàn) flexible wire

軟線(xiàn)布線(xiàn) flexible wiring

軟線(xiàn)、軟繩 flexibles

彈性[延伸]軟繩 extension cord

特軟絞線(xiàn) extra-flexible stranded conductor

極苛刻條件用軟線(xiàn)雙芯軟線(xiàn)[塞繩] double conductor cord

軟化擊穿 cut-through

耐切通性、切通強度、耐軟化擊穿性能 cut-through resistance

切通溫度、軟化擊穿溫度 cut-through temperature

切通試驗、軟化擊穿試驗 cut-through test

連接塞繩、軟線(xiàn) connecting cord

銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣平型軟線(xiàn) copper conductor PVC-insulated parallel flexible cord

銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣絞型軟線(xiàn) copper conductor PVC-insulated twisted flexible cord

軟線(xiàn)[繩]、電線(xiàn)電纜、塞繩 cord

花線(xiàn)、裝飾線(xiàn)路用軟線(xiàn) cord for decorative chains

帶有插塞的電話(huà)軟線(xiàn) cord setextra-hard-service cord

成套塞繩、帶有插塞的電話(huà)軟線(xiàn)彩色軟線(xiàn) colour cord

通信軟件 communication software

錐形軟模具 cone-shaped flexible die

同軸軟線(xiàn)、同軸線(xiàn)塞繩 coaxial cord

螺圈形軟線(xiàn) coiled cord

橡皮絕緣(軟)電纜、橡套[軟件]電纜 cabtyre cable

橡套電纜、軟管電纜 cabtyre sheathed cable

配套軟件 bundled software

軟管電纜 cab-tire cable

橡皮絕緣軟線(xiàn)〔軟塞繩〕 cab-tyre cord

電纜軟接頭 cable flexible joint

軟連接用電纜 cable for flexible connections

電纜軟管 cable hose

電纜軟管夾托架 cable hose clamp bracket

編織軟繩 braided flexible cord

退火、韌煉、軟化 anneal

肖飚(本軟件開(kāi)發(fā)者、電纜工藝工程師) XIAOBIAO

屈服[流動(dòng)、軟化、擊穿]點(diǎn) YP(yield point)

柔軟控制電纜 FCC(flexible control cable)

硬鏈段與軟鏈段的嵌段共聚物 HYTREL

擠出機 extruders

擠出 extrusion

擠氣式擠出機 vent extruder

通用回轉式擠出機 versatile turret extruder

立式連續擠出硫化機組 vertical continuous extruding and vulcanizing machine 立式擠出機 vertical extruder

立式擠出 vertical extrusion

二段式擠出機 two-stage extruder

三層擠出機 triple extruder

三層擠出(機)頭 triple extruder head

三層擠出(機)頭 triple extrusion head

雙層擠出(機)頭 twin (extruder) head

雙頭擠出、雙層擠出 twin-head extrusion

雙螺桿擠出機 twin-screw extruder

三層擠出絕緣電纜 three-layer extruded cable(

擠出機)模嘴、模芯、末端 tip

串列式擠出機 tandem extruder

擠出物料的脫節 starving of extrudate flow(

擠出機)送料螺桿 stockscrew

濾網(wǎng)<擠出機的> strainer

剪切式擠出機頭 shear-type extrusion head

護套擠出機 sheathing machine

單螺桿擠出機 single screw extruder(

擠出機筒內)焦燒、早期硫化 scorching(in extruder cylinder)

螺桿式擠出機 screw extruder

半導體材料擠出機 semicon extruder

擠出頭、壓力模座 press block

壓力型多層一次擠出模 pressure-type coextrusion die

分段式擠出機 piggyback extruder

行星齒輪式擠出機 planetary gear extruder

(塑料)擠出機 plastic extruder

制粒擠出機 pelletising extruder

(擠出機)斜角機頭 oblique head

單段式擠出機 one-stage extruder

光纜護套擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) optical cable sheathing line

多色擠出機 multi-colour extruder

多層擠出機 multi-layer extruder

多級[多段]式擠出機 multi-stage extruder

多根擠出法 multi-wire insulation process

多頭擠出裝置 multiline extrusion system

多層擠出 multiple extrusion

(擠出機)螺桿的計量區 metering section of a screw

混煉擠出機 mixer-extruder

混煉、排氣、擠出聯(lián)合機 mixing ,venting and extruding machine 標色擠出機 marking extruder

鉛管擠出機 lead-pipe extrusion press

內皮擠出機 inner skin extruder

絕緣機頭、擠出機頭 insulating machine head

高效擠出機 high output extruder

高速擠出生產(chǎn)流水線(xiàn) high speed tandemized extrusion line

高發(fā)泡擠出 high-foaming extrusion

高發(fā)泡擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) high-foaming extrusion line

高速擠出生產(chǎn)流水線(xiàn) high-speed tandemized extrusion line

臥式擠出機 horizontal axis extruder

臥式擠出機 horizontal extrusion press

熱擠出 hot extrusion

熱擠出用潤滑劑 hot extrusion lubricant

靜液(壓)擠出 hydrostatic extrusion

模芯導向器(擠出機模子) guider tip

注氣體擠出機 gas-injection extruder

鉛管擠出機 lead-pipe extrusion press

內皮擠出機 inner skin extruder

絕緣機頭、擠出機頭 insulating machine head

高效擠出機 high output extruder

高速擠出生產(chǎn)流水線(xiàn) high speed tandemized extrusion line

高發(fā)泡擠出 high-foaming extrusion

高發(fā)泡擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) high-foaming extrusion line

高速擠出生產(chǎn)流水線(xiàn) high-speed tandemized extrusion line

臥式擠出機 horizontal axis extruder

臥式擠出機 horizontal extrusion press

熱擠出 hot extrusion

熱擠出用潤滑劑 hot extrusion lubricant

靜液(壓)擠出 hydrostatic extrusion

模芯導向器(擠出機模子) guider tip

注氣體擠出機 gas-injection extruder

泡沫擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) foam extrusion line

泡沫絕緣擠出 foam insulation extrusion

前端驅動(dòng)擠出機 front-end drive extruder

光纖松套管-緊包緩沖層擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) fiber-optic loose tube-tight buffer 出線(xiàn)區、擠出區 exit zone

擠出機 extr.

可擠出性、可擠壓性 extrudability

擠出物、擠制材料 extrudate

擠出物溫度 extrudate temperaturev

擠出[壓、包、制] extrude

擠出[壓、包、制]的 extruded

擠出型絕緣電纜 extruded cable

擠出型絕緣電纜 extruded dielectric cable

擠出機、擠壓機 extruder

擠出機筒體 extruder barrel

擠出機機筒內徑 extruder bore

直角擠出機頭 extruder crosshead

擠出(機)模具 extruder dies

擠出(機)頭 extruder head

擠出機擠出量 extruder output

擠出機螺桿 extruder screw

擠出[制、包、壓] extruding

擠出機 extruding machine

擠出[制、包、壓] extrusion

擠出模具 extrusion die

擠出(機)模具 extrusion dies

擠出涂漆法 extrusion enamelling process

擠出發(fā)泡 extrusion foaming

擠出發(fā)泡法 extrusion foaming method

擠出(機)頭 extrusion head

擠出指數 extrusion index

擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)速度 extrusion line speed

擠出壓力 extrusion pressure

擠出[壓、包、制]方法 extrusion process

擠出工藝 extrusion processing

擠出性能 extrusion property

擠出量、擠出速度[量] extrusion rate

擠出(機)螺桿 extrusion screw

擠出技術(shù)、擠出工藝 extrusion technology

擠出溫度 extrusion temperature

擠出機模芯 extrusion tip

擠出模具 extrusion tool

擠出速度 extrusion velocity

擠出輪 extrusion wheel

有殼擠出 extrusion with shell

無(wú)殼擠出 extrusion without shell(

漆包線(xiàn)的)擠出涂漆法 emailex method(

漆包線(xiàn)的)擠出涂漆法 emailex process

雙螺桿擠出機 double screw extruder

雙層擠出(機)頭 double(extruder)head

雙層一次擠出(法) double-layer coating co-extrusion

雙層擠出(機)頭 double-layer extrusion head

雙層擠出(機)頭 dual (extruder) head

雙層擠出機 dual extruder

非連續性擠出 discontinuous extrusion

雙層直角擠出機頭 double layer crosshead

擠出機機頭口型 die lips

擠出機機頭口型間隙 die lips gap(

控制)壓力擠出法 controlled pressure extrusion

粉末涂敷 powder coating

室溫固化 cold curing cold setting

十八盤(pán)兩段臥式絞線(xiàn)成纜機18- bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine2/2

芯單段成纜機2/2- core single cage laying-up machinev

成纜、布[配]線(xiàn)、敷設電纜[線(xiàn)] wire

未成纜光纖 uncabled fiber

絞線(xiàn)成纜聯(lián)合機 stranding and laying-up machine

單節距成纜機 single twist cabler

單節距[單絞式]成纜機 single-twist cabling machine

剛性成纜機 rigid cabling machine

行星式成纜機 planetary cabler

行星式成纜機 planetary cabling machine

行星式成纜機 planetary laying-up machine

行星式成纜機 planetary-type cabling machine

光纖成纜技術(shù) optical fiber laying-up technology

成纜角 laying angle

絞纜、成纜、線(xiàn)芯絞合、敷設 laying up

盤(pán)式成纜機 laying up drum twister

成纜工段 laying up section

成纜 laying-up

成纜和包帶生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) laying-up and taping line

成纜角 laying-up angle

成纜機、線(xiàn)芯絞合機 laying-up machine

成纜操作、成纜工序 laying-up operation

成纜用盤(pán) laying-up reel

重型電纜敷設裝置、重型成纜設備 heavy cabling equipment

雙節距成纜機 double-twist cabling machine

雙絞式[雙節距]成纜機 double-twist flyer-type high-speed stranding machine 雙絞式[雙節距]成纜機 double-twist strander/laying-up machine

盤(pán)式成纜機 drum cabling machine

盤(pán)絞式成纜機 drum twister laying-up machine

盤(pán)絞式成纜機 drum twister type cabling machine

盤(pán)絞式成纜機 drum twisting assembling machine

盤(pán)絞式絞線(xiàn)機、盤(pán)絞式成纜機 drum twisting machine

線(xiàn)芯絞合、絞纜、成纜 core stranding

全套擠塑-成纜生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) complete extrusion-cabling line

成纜材料、包覆材料 cladding material

成纜、絞纜 cable-laying

成纜機 cable-laying-up machine

成纜構件 cabled complement

成纜光纖 cabled optical fiber

成纜(后)包帶 cabled tape

成纜機、成纜機、電纜盤(pán) cabler

成纜、成纜、電線(xiàn)敷設、布線(xiàn)、電纜敷設 cabling

成纜損耗 cabling absorption

成纜工段 cabling department

成纜設備、布線(xiàn)設備 cabling equipment

成纜機 cabling machine

成纜放裝置 cabling pay-off

成纜工藝 cabling processv

成纜、布(配)線(xiàn)、敷設電纜、 n

電纜 cable

弓式成纜機 bow cabling machine

弓式成纜機 bow type stranding machine

絞纜機、成纜機 assembling machineSZ

絞成纜機 SZ cabling machineSZ

絞合機、左右絞合機、 SZ

成纜機 SZ strander

電纜填充 cable filling

繞包、纏繞、電纜填充物 wormings

凡士林填充市話(huà)電纜 vaseline filled local cable

電纜內壁填充劑[物] wall cable filler

填料、填充、塞入 stuffing

填料[填充]法 stuffing process

澆注溫度、填充溫度 pouring temperature

粉沫填充電纜 powder filled cable

壓力填充 pressure excited filling

聚乙烯填充物 polyethylene filler

聚丙烯填充繩 polypropylene filler yarn

石油膏填充 petrojelly filling

石蠟油填充聚乙烯絕緣電纜 petrolatum-filled polyethylene-insulated cable 石油膏填充物、石油膏填充器 petroleum jelly cable filler

石油膏填充 petroleum jelly filling

非導電填充物 non-conductive filler

礦物填充交聯(lián)聚乙烯 mineral filled crosslinked polyethylene

填充物、填料 loading material

膏狀物填充松管光纖 loose tube optical fiber filled with jelly

石油膏填充塑料電纜 jelly filled plastic cable

石油膏填充設備 jelly-filling equipment

麻填料、填充麻 jute filler

內填充(料) inner filler

內填充(護套)料[混合物] inner filling compound

內填充護套 inner filling sheath

無(wú)填充料 inorganic filler

填充包套聯(lián)合生產(chǎn)線(xiàn) integrated filling and sheathing line

填充四線(xiàn)組、間充四線(xiàn)組 interstitial quad

高填充膠料 highly-extended compound

潤滑脂填充線(xiàn)芯 grease-filled core

全[連續]填充電纜、縱向密封電纜 fully filled cable

光纜填充機 fiber optic cable filling machine

填充系數 fill factor

填充系數、占體率 fill in ratio

填充線(xiàn)芯導線(xiàn) fill-core conductor

填充系數、占體率 fill-in ratio

填充電纜 filled cable

填充用戶(hù)電纜 filled service cable

填充[封]物、填料、填芯 filler

填充劑 filler compound

非填充電纜、無(wú)填充電纜 fillerless cable

填充、充填、填料 filling

填充復合物、填料、填充劑、填充混合物、澆注料、澆注劑 filling compound 填充機 filling machine

填充材料 filling material

填充溫度、澆注溫度 filling temperature

擠包內護層、內填充護套 extruded inner covering

環(huán)氧填充密封端 epoxy filled sealing end

連續[全]填充電纜、縱向密封電纜 continuously filled cable

色標聚乙烯石油膏填充電話(huà)電纜 color coded polyethylene jelly filled cable 石油膏填充粘結護套聯(lián)合設備 combined petro-jelly filling and bonded sheath equipment

填充率 compaction ratev

裝料、填充、充電、電荷 charge

電纜填充劑 cable-filling compound

電纜填充設備 cable-filling plant

中心填充物 center filler

中心填充物、填芯 centre filler

電纜填充、電纜占用率、電纜填充率、電纜線(xiàn)對利用率 cable fill

電纜填充 cable filling

電纜填充裝置 cable filling applicator

電纜填充設備 cable filling equipment

電纜填充機 cable filling machine

電纜填充麻 cable filling yarn

電纜填充用油膏、電纜填充油膏 cable jelly

填充、填料、鎖緊裝置 blocking

色標聚乙烯石油膏填充 CCP-JF(color code polyethylene-jelly filled)

扁平編織線(xiàn) flat braid

編織 braiding

澆鑄〔流延〕 casting

涂敷 coating

包封 encapsulating

耐磨性 Abrasion Resistance

十六錠臺式編織機16- carrier bench braiding machine16

錠高速編織機16- carrier high speed braider

十六錠高速編織機16- carrier high-speed braiding machine24

錠高速編織機24- carrier high speed braider

金屬編織、金屬絲編織 wire braid

金屬絲編織機、金屬絲織機 wire braiding machine

編織套、電纜屏蔽套 wired tube

編織電纜 wove cable

編織電纜 woven cable

鍍錫銅線(xiàn)編織 tinned cooper braid

鍍錫銅絲編織帶[層] tinned copper braid

鍍錫銅絲編織屏蔽 tinned copper braid shielding

鍍錫銅絲編織帶[層] tinned copper mesh

鍍錫銅絲編織帶 tinned copper mesh(ed)

纖維編織、紗編織 textile braid

金屬絲編織帶 textile tape with interwoven metal wires

鋼絲編織 steel wire braiding

扁編織導線(xiàn) strap braided conductor

編織套[層]、套管 sleeving

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